Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beyond Right Field, The Ascent

The Ohio River, which separates Ohio and Kentucky, dominates the background beyond the right field bleachers at Great American Ballpark. The Roeblings suspension bridge leads to The Ascent, a residential high rise in northern Kentucky. Image by GaryPaulSmith, May, 2013.

Red's Beer Girl

Red's Beer Girl, originally uploaded by Gary Paul Smith.

What used to be a men's club, beer sales at Great American Ballpark, and most everywhere, are open to all who apply. Who would object to this lovely lady popping your top? Image by GaryPaulSmith, May, 2013.

Great American Tower, Cincinnati

Great American Tower, originally uploaded by Gary Paul Smith.

The Great American Tower opened in 2010. It wasn't there on my first visit in 2004, but as Cincinnati's tallest skyscraper, it dominates the view behind third base. The Tower's majestic "tiara" tops off the 41st floor. Image by GaryPaulSmith, from right field at Great American Ballpark. May, 2013.

Great American Ballpark Revisited

Moon Over Cincy, originally uploaded by Gary Paul Smith.

The Cincinnati Bell Steam Boat at night.
Ranked #7 of 101 attractions in Cincinnati. The Bell had yet to be constructed when I first visited the ballpark in 2004. Image by GaryPaulSmith, May, 2013.

PNC Power Stacks

PNC Power Stacks, originally uploaded by Gary Paul Smith.

In right center field, two smokestacks, reminiscent of the steamboats that were common on the Ohio River in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, flash lights, emit flames and launch fireworks to incite or respond to the home team's efforts. It's more spectacular at night. Image by GaryPaulSmith at Great American Ballpark, Cincinnati. May, 2013.

Rosie Red Dazzles

Rosie Red Dazzles, originally uploaded by Gary Paul Smith.

Following in her grandmother's footsteps, Rosie went to CHEER (College for High Energy and Entertainment Routines). She's ready after several years of rigorous training to take the field with mascot veterans Gapper and Mr. Redlegs! Image by GaryPaulSmith, May 25, 2013 at Great American Ballpark, Cincinnati.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Minute Maid Park Opens It's Roof

I seldom if ever post images of the home team ballpark, but to attend a game at Minute Maid Park in Houston with the roof open is a rare spectacle. The roof remains closed the majority of the time because of the heat and humidity in Houston. This cool night in May offered a sensational view of downtown Houston. Image by GaryPaulSmith. May 7, 2013.

Rally Monkeys Invade Minute Maid Park

The Angel Rally Monkeys, originally uploaded by Gary Paul Smith.

At Angel home games, a video of a monkey comes on when the Angels are losing. It jumps up and down, wearing a tiny team uniform. Sometimes it holds a sign that says “Rally Time!” The fans go crazy for the rally monkey. Image by GaryPaulSmith, May 7, 2013.